Sign up for our clinics below!

  • 4.0-5.0 Liveball Clinic


    Sign up for our 4.0-5.0 NTRP level live ball clinic, which runs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at various times and locations throughout L.A. This clinic is designed for advanced-level players with experience in competitive settings. Click on the button below to view our liveball clinics.

  • 3.5-4.5 Liveball


    Pop by for our 3.5-4.5 NTRP level liveball clinic every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at different times and locations throughout L.A. This clinic is for high-level players with experience in competitive settings. Click on the button below to view our liveball clinics.

  • 2.5-3.5 Liveball


    Elevate your game at our liveball clinic, designed for 2.5-3.5 NTRP-level players, held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at different times and locations throughout L.A. This clinic is tailor-made for beginners, who are looking to increase their skill level and compete in an inclusive environment. Click on the button below to view our liveball clinics.