Welcome to Ball is Live, the premier destination for fast-paced tennis action in the heart of the Los Angeles Valley! We are experts in delivering dynamic, high-energy liveball sessions that are made to hone your skills, increase your fitness, and build meaningful social connections.

Join us for a great experience on the court – because tennis is better together! #ballislive

4.0-5.0 Liveball


Sign up for our 4.0-5.0 NTRP level live ball clinic, which runs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at various times and locations throughout L.A. This clinic is designed for advanced-level players with experience in competitive settings. Click on the button below to view our liveball clinics.

3.5-4.5 Liveball


Pop by for our 3.5-4.5 NTRP level liveball clinic every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at different times and locations throughout L.A. This clinic is for high-level players with experience in competitive settings. Click on the button below to view our liveball clinics.

2.5-3.5 Liveball


Elevate your game at our liveball clinic, designed for 2.5-3.5 NTRP-level players, held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at different times and locations throughout L.A. This clinic is tailor-made for beginners, who are looking to increase their skill level and compete in an inclusive environment. Click on the button below to view our liveball clinics.

What is Liveball?

LiveBall is a quickly paced doubles game with rules that are easy to follow. The court will always have four players: two on the champion side and two on the challenger side. The goal for the challengers is to dethrone the champions by winning three points before the champions can win two. Coaches keep the energy lively by feeding the ball, alternating between the players on the challenger side with each feed. If challengers become champions, they must quickly sprint to their new spots on the champion side within a three-second countdown, as the next ball is already on its way to the next group of challengers. The pace is fast, so stay ready and keep an eye on the coach between points, because the ball could be coming your way at any moment. Most importantly, play hard, stay safe, and compete to hold your throne on the champion side for as long as possible!

What are the 2.5-5.0 ratings?

In tennis, the 2.5–5.0 ratings are part of the NTRP (National Tennis Rating Program) system, which measures skill levels. A 2.5 player is a beginner who is learning how to keep a rally and has limited match experience, while a 5.0 player has advanced skills, and strong consistency, and often competes in high-level tournaments. The scale helps match players of similar abilities for fair competition and effective development. Not sure what your rating is? Come get evaluated by our professional coaches at any of our liveball sessions, and we will make sure you are put in the correct clinic based on your skill level.

*For more information about the rules of live ball, NTRP rating, and our company, visit the “about us” page in the website's header section.

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Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!